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Hell Guys.....I am working on STM32L4R9AI-EVAL board I have generated the project from Touchgfx Designer and it generating the STM32CUBEMX code also......if i open the designer and if i will burn on to the kit it is working fine....But once i will o...
Hello..How to implement double click/double tap on STM32L4R9AI-EVAL board
Hello..How to use single frame buffer in STM32L4R9AI-EVAL board
Hello Guys......I am working on STM32L4R9AI - EVAL board .My requirement is I want to access the frame buffer,where the entire screens data have been storing...So i want to access that particular buffer and i want to do my own touch actions inside th...
hello...I have a swipe container which consist of three pages ..what i have done is i want a scroll wheel in page 2 as screen, so i covered whole screen (page 2) with scroll wheel but when am doing swipe i can't able to swipe from page 2 to page 3..m...