2019-12-08 4:08 AM
I am trying to port stemwin to stm32f407vgtx on discovery board. So far I had been able to drive elt240320 lcd with ili9325 driver via fsmc bus. The problem is when I run gui_init(), it fires the hard fault handler. Step by step runing of GUI_X_Config, LCD_X_Config and LCD_X_DisplayDriver showed that micro hangs when it reaches GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink function in LCD_X_Config. I can't understand what is the main source of hard fault error. I made the base project with cubemx and then added lcd files and emwin as well.
Any help would be appreciated.
2019-12-08 2:25 PM
I don't use enwin, but isn't this the old problem of CRC clock not being enabled?
PS. Change your username to a normal nick.
2019-12-11 10:34 PM
I also enabled CRC clock, but although it is required, but some other things was required as well. Now I had emwin ran on my board. In the near future I will provide some video on youtube. But I wonder why isnt it mentioned clearly somewhere in the datasheets of st micros or stemwin.
Now something else, How can I use the latest version of stemwin library for cortex m4? is it 5.30 or 5.42?
2019-12-15 12:18 PM
hello dear Vahid,
i have the same problem.
i am using ili9325 + stm32f407 . i made my project in cubemx.
may i know how did you fix this problem?
thanks for your help.
2020-03-01 1:28 AM
did you succeed with the project. please could let me know how did you overcome on the issue?
if possible please share your project.
2020-03-01 3:03 AM