2020-01-21 7:00 AM
Iam looking for a howto to setup up the STM32F769I-DISCO board as a stm32cubeide project with cubemx with touchgfx integration.
is there a howto?
2020-01-29 12:25 PM
Next step is figure out how to increase the size of the FreeRTOS heap and stack.
2020-01-29 12:25 PM
@scottSD Haha, I'm glad that fixed the problem! I'll be honest, I only really thought of that possibility because I also took MANY attempts at getting this to work and started running low on disk space. An error message of something along the lines of "No hard disk space on host computer" would have been less ambiguous eh...
Best of luck!
2020-01-29 12:33 PM
I hear you....the message "No space left on device" sounds more like you have a problem with the space on the target...not on the computer you're building the project on.
2020-01-30 6:17 AM
In your IOC File:
I naively doubled both values and it worked out. You can check the stack and heap usage in the FreeRTOS Heap Usage tab
2020-01-30 6:43 AM
No problem! :)
2020-01-30 6:45 AM
Depending on CMSIS V1/V2 remember that Task stack size is defined in words/bytes, respectively. CubeMX does not tell you this when you switch between the two. So, V2 both freertos heap and stack sizes are defined in bytes whereas V1 had freertos heap size in bytes and stack size in words.
2020-01-31 1:06 AM
I'm creating an update to the 769i-disco AT today to remove those pesky references to non-existing files. Today.
There's an issue with the CubeIDE generator where it does not detect files that are no longer there when you generate code from the designer. This will be fixed for the next release of TouchGFX which we hope will be soon. Now we can release whenever we want with the new X-CUBE setup.
2020-01-31 1:16 AM
@scottSD ,Probably, yea!
2020-01-31 1:22 AM
Yeah, i agree that was confusing! :)
2021-04-05 6:39 PM
I am doing setup on stm32f769i-disco board, but the link does not exist.
So, can I get a simple project as a source?