2023-04-20 07:26 AM
I can get error that is "Unexpected error has happened" for TOUCHGFX 4.18.1. The program is not opened. How can I solve this?
2023-04-24 03:12 AM
Hello @Nuri başar ,
I advise you to try with latest release of TouchGFX version 4.21.3.
Please keep us informed about your update.
2023-04-24 03:12 AM
Hello Nbaşa.1,
Could you join us your log file? It would be easier for us to investigate your issue with it.
You can find it here: C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\AppData\Roaming\TouchGFX-4.18.1\TouchGFXDesigner.log
By the way, your version of TouchGFX Designer is starting to be old, I invite you to upgrade to the latest (4.21.3) to take advantage of the improvements we did since then ;)