2021-03-12 5:20 AM
Same known Issue!
I'm working on a project with an STM32F746BGT6 microcontroller with external RAM and nor-flash memory. in the CubeMX, I configured FreeRTOS version 2 and have two tasks (128 words + 8192 words) and LTDC configured correctly (I believe) with TouchGFX. when I add "MX_TouchGFX_Process()" to the task, the program crashed and I get the following Error. But when I commented out "MX_TouchGFX_Process()", the program run correctly (I tested with LED blink).
attempts to increase stack size with no luck :persevering_face:. noted that I updated the TouchGFX to 4.16 (not 4.16.1), maybe the issue caused by the new release (God knows).
Any help will be appreciated.
2021-03-22 4:55 AM
Could you share how you configure Freertos and TouchGFX in CubeMX ? Did you base your project on the application template for the STM32F746 discover board available in TouchGFX Designer? Could you also check the th heap size and the FreeRTOS Heap usage in CubeMX ?
2021-03-22 10:36 AM
Dear Romain
Actually, the board is custom made and it seems to be solved, for now. I have a 4.3" LCD and lots of other chips on board and it seems to draw more current from ST-link (while debugging). I then connect Extra 3.3v to the board and the error had fixed completely (at least for now). Interesting right! :beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes:
By the way, to answer your questions, I have 3 tasks (TouchGFX-Task1-Task2) and (8192-512-128) Heap size for each respectively.
2021-03-23 5:46 AM
Good to hear that it works at least :grinning_face_with_sweat:
2021-04-16 3:54 AM
Dear Romain @Romain DIELEMAN
As I said before, I am working on a custom board for this project. after I change the board with the same code on STM32CubeIDE, Suddenly I've got the same error as the new PCB! and can't figure it out, Could you please help me get rid of this error? Any suggestion?
2021-04-16 6:18 AM
Could you share your the files where you configured the OS and TouchGFX ? Could you share screenshots of your settings in CubeMX ?
Is it possible for you to share your project or a version of it without confidential stuff in it so that we can have a better look ?
2021-04-16 7:45 AM
@Romain DIELEMAN Thanks for your quick reply
After some testing and debugging, I load the first Screen(main screen) successfully, when the program wants to change the screen from Main to Second the error pops up! (My program consists of 10 screens that programs start from the first one and after a 7000 ms delay, the screen changes to the second one so on).
My first guess is Maybe the problem is External SDRAM because when the program wants to change the screen, it will load the second frame buffer to the ram(actually this is my opinion) OR maybe bad PCB design! what are your suggestions?
By the way I will share the code right away as your request