2020-01-08 12:14 AM
Goodmorning everyone!
With the release of CubeMX 5.5.0 we've removed TouchGFX from the Middleware section of CubeMX and are now offering TouchGFX configuration through an X-CUBE.
The X-CUBE pack contains the following:
CubeMX is a tool for configuring your MCU.
CubeMX is not a tool for completely configuring peripherals like touch controllers and external memories.
TouchGFX Generator (new since 4,13) is a CubeMX extension that can generate all or parts of your TouchGFX HAL Layer based partially on settings taken from your MCU configuration in CubeMX.
TouchGFX Generator (new since 4,13) is not a tool that provides complete configurations for touch controllers, external memories, etc. It only generates the TouchGFX HAL - Rendering strategies, acceleration strategies, etc.
TouchGFX Designer is a tool that can supply you with application templates for existing stm32 display kits. We are working on getting all of them updated to use the new Generator.
Please read the following guides for instructions on how to install the new TouchGFX X-CUBE and how to use the TouchGFX Generator to develop your TouchGFX HAL:
From now on it is the X-CUBE that receives a version bump, bumping the version of both tools contained within.
A few application templates already support the new TouchGFX Generator (and thus CubeMX 5.5.0), with lots more to come. One of our main priorities is to get the rest of the application templates ported to use the TouchGFX Generator,
Generally, any application template that supports the Generator/CubeMX 5.5.0 will be major version 3.
Let me know here if you have any questions or face any issues! We're eager to see how this works for everyone.
Now that we are officially live with X-CUBE-TOUCHGFX we'll continue working on improving documentation, offering support and updating the current application templates you can find through the designer.
Aside from that i'll do my best to catch up on this community, something i've had to neglect a bit because of the new Generator.
Best regards,
TouchGFX Generator Team
2020-02-03 3:43 AM
It's not complete, but since you ask, H747 (dual core) boards aren't supported by CubeMX at all for "Additional Software". I forget why. Until a time where that changes you can use the existing H747-disco and -eval templates :) But they don't have CubeMX support.
2020-02-03 10:35 PM
And what about the STM32F429I-DISCO? Will you be updating that board?
2020-02-04 12:27 AM
The function flushFrameBuffer() is what you'd use to transfer the block using SPI,
2020-02-04 12:28 AM
Yes, all the existing ATs (as a minium) will see an update.
2020-02-07 6:16 AM
When can we expect to have an application template with TouchGFX generator support for the STMF429I-Discovery?
2020-02-07 6:19 AM
I'd hate to make promises, but F429-DISCO is high prio, definitely one of the next ones. It's also pretty easy.
2020-02-07 6:22 AM
Thanks for your quick answer.
2020-02-14 2:36 AM
is the Graph widget from the open repository still working with the TouchGFX Designer 4.13.0?
2020-02-18 9:00 AM
For some reason I am not seeing any configurable settings under the generator after getting it added to project.
2020-02-19 5:43 AM
Any word on updated V3 templates?