2023-01-15 3:00 AM
how can I solve this problem?
I already cleaned and rebuild the project but the error not missing
the error comes when I try to run the target on touchgfx bcs the error coming from touchgfx. stm32cubeIDE is okay and got no error.
2023-01-15 8:34 PM
I do not have the board myself so I cannot test it but could you confirm that you are working with a project created from TouchGFX Designer with the TouchGFX Board Setup for the STM32h750dk ? What version of TouchGFX Designer are you using ?
2023-01-15 9:49 PM
yes , I working start from the scratch on Touchgfx . using version 4.21
2023-01-15 9:55 PM
From scratch you mean starting from TouchGFX Designer right ? not from scratch from STM32CubeMX ? Sorry for the clarification question :grinning_face_with_sweat:
2023-01-15 10:00 PM
What I do is I start from the scratch on TouchGFX, just adding pic -> generated the code -> CubeMX( I don’t change anything here), compile the default code into CubeIDE and debug the project to ensure its working fine and everything is fine. I can see the image on the screen.
Then, I go back to CubeMX to disable the FreeRTOS -> generate code again -> I refresh, clean and build the project on CubeIDE( I don’t add any library or code yet) and got the error .
2023-01-15 10:10 PM
Ok that makes sense then :thumbs_up: When you try to run on target from TouchGFX Designer you use gcc (not STM32CubeIDE) with a Makefile we wrote ourselves, available in the <project name>/gcc folder. In this makefile we have added the paths and files to compile, running commands, etc... When you disable Freertos, the linked files and libraries "should" (I think) be removed automatically from your project. But since the Makefile is hand made, the changes in STM32CubeMX won't impact it. So you need to go and open that Makefile to get rid of the FreeRTOS related things like this Middlewares/Third_Party/FreeRTOS thing.
The STM32G071 nucleo project does not use FreeRTOS so maybe you could compare the Makefiles to see what should be removed (all OS related dependencies and paths).
2023-01-15 10:22 PM
2023-01-15 10:33 PM
Yes this Makefile :thumbs_up:
Delete those lines, but also the ones refering to touchgfx_os_path and cubemx_os_path, and all other things related to "os". I've tried cleaning this one (instead of deleting I just removed the path and files references), cant promise it will work but got rid of all i could think of.
2023-01-15 10:38 PM
I run the target and got this error using the makefile you send
2023-01-15 10:54 PM
arh yes, do you need to use the video widget ? The error comes from what is necessary to make this widget work, linked to FreeRTOS in this project. If you dont need the video widget, then you can get rid of all those references as well (all the middlewares/third_parties)