2019-04-04 1:43 PM
I tried following a few links from ST on integrating Touchgfx with Keil (other IDEs).
I am specificaly looking for steps to integrate Touchgfx generated code with Keil.
I followed this link : https://touchgfx.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360019884752
but got stuck at the step " Add missing BSP files and update Linker scripts" . Particularly trying to find the Keil equivalent of EWARM\stm32f746xx_flash.icf. Skipping the step did not work either.
Has anyone been able to successfully integrate code generated by Touchgfx with Keil so far?
Thank you.
2019-04-04 5:40 PM
The following details may help you as well but is for the STM32F429i-DISCO kit & Keil:
Otherwise, only Martin can help :) He is one of the developers of the tool.
2019-04-05 4:51 AM
Thanks! I did already go through the link above as well .Will give it another try. Any new input reg this is much appreciated!