2021-08-19 10:57 PM
I was trying to run & study demo touchgfx and stemwin project form latest 1.16.1 cube pack for my stm32f746g-disc board. It compiles fine, but after flashing, some images of the ui are seems choppy. Attaching a pic of that too.
2021-08-31 4:17 AM
Just for additional information, what is the revision of your board ?
2021-08-31 5:52 AM
Is this what you need?
2021-08-31 6:02 AM
yes thank you. I'll try to replicate it
2021-09-04 8:57 PM
Any Update on this?
2021-09-06 1:25 AM
I have only been able to find another revision of the board (B-04), where the TouchGFX demo does work.
So I have two hypothesis: the QUADSPI flash memory has changed between revision B and C, which could cause an issue transferring the assets (there might be other changes as well), or you have not selected the right external loader with STM32CubeProgrammer when loading the demo.
2021-09-06 1:56 AM
I've managed to have someone try it out on the same revision as you and it works as well (the TouchGFX demo again). Make sure you select the right external loader when flashing the board with STM32CubeProgrammer.
2021-09-07 12:04 AM
Ok, thank you. I will try it again this weekend. Can you tell me which linker script I should use? I am using STM32CUBE IDE 1.7.0.
2021-09-07 12:31 AM
it should be the N25Q128A_STM32F746G-DISCO, 0x90000000, NOR_FLASH, N25Q128A_STM32F746G-DISCO.stldr