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is there any video tutorial for F469 discovery board ?

Senior III

I see that there is integration with Cube IDE and Touch GFX. But I need to figure out how to set it up. I see a lot of demos showing the fancy graphic but it is usless if nobody shows how to actually write the code. I see a lot of people get discouraged if you cannot find out how to start with some basic code.

I downloaded latest cube IDE and Touch GFX, it will not compile simple the code, I get bunch of errors.


Hi, I understand you.. I had the same problems..

However if you want to try to run an example, you can do this steps:

1) open touchgfx designer

2) find the f469 example and select it

3) add some widgets on the screen

4) use the "run target" to flash the code on the board. --> You need to install the Cube Programmer for do this. Otherwise you can use the "generate code" option, in this case the designer generate the code in his project folder, in my case is located in C:\. You need to import this project into the CubeIde or similar, compile and flash on the board.

5) enjoy! =)

Try to study the generated code, see the project structure and what files are in this folders. Keep in mind that if you use the cubeIde or the cubeMx to create a touchgfx app, the project structure is different than the project structure generate using the touchgfx designer. Also you need to add manually some files (the lcd controller and the touchscreen controller and some others), and configure manually the DSI, SDRAM, QSPI peripherals. This peripherals configuration can be unusefull if you create the project using the default configuration..

Hope this help you, I have spended three days to understand how to setup and run a touchgfx app from cubeide... 

Senior III

ST has like 40 000 employees it is like 30 min to do video to show it, I am learning from other people on youtube, nothing here

here is a video, I followed this guy step by step and I got it running in 30 min. If it was not for him I would spend another 12 months trying to figure out

ST has bunch useless demonstration videos showing funncy graphics but it is useless if they do not show you how to code it. A lot of people get discouraged and move somewhere else.

ST has like 40 000 employees it is like 30 min to do video to show it, I am learning from other people on youtube, nothing here

here is a video, I followed this guy step by step and I got it running in 30 min. If it was not for him I would spend another 12 months trying to figure out

ST has bunch useless demonstration videos showing funncy graphics but it is useless if they do not show you how to code it. A lot of people get discouraged and move somewhere else.

I agree with you about the ST modus operandi.. I don't like how they do the thing.

If I'm here is because there are a lot of companies that use the ST microcontrollers (and unfortunatelly the ST software) in their work, so I think that is usefull for find a job, have a minimum knowledge about how to use the ST microcontrollers and ST software. 

I have spend a lot of my time to understand how the ST software works, and I still have some problems.. 

My problems it's not about a video, but is about the cryptic and discutible documentations about the ST microcontrollers products. Also some clear application notes with clear and usable example would be highly appreciated, also an efficient support forum would be highly appreciated, but this is the ST, and unfortunately at this moment I haven't a company or power at work to decide what kind of microcontroller use to build a given products.. So i'm here, but i'm not happy..

There is a simple solution - use ST's MCU's, which are pretty decent, but do not use their code, which is one of the worst ones I've seen.

It's a too simple solution!! 

From my point of view, make sense to use the ST software because there are some companies that use the ST software in their work, i'm sure about this because if I have lost my last job is also thanks to this..

I used to write the firmware using the registers, I never used any producers software to write the code, but in this kind of companies If you are abe to write the code using the registers, you don't work..

If you can write register level code, but unable of writing higher layer libraries, state machines, use RTOS, write OS adaptation layers, write decent cooperative scheduler, then you are stuck and should develop your skills further. But if the company uses HAL/CubeMX code in their products... Do you really want to work for such a crap makers?

Piranha.. after reading your answer, my mood has recovered! Thanks so much!

In fact, I don't need to work in this kind of company, it's not only because they use HAL, but because in my opinion they have serious problems with engineering.

For some of them a high pass filter is implemented in this way:

if (signal> threshold) return;

In the same way a low pass filter is implemented like this:

if (signal <threshold) return;

For someone else instead, Arduino is an operating system, complete with a scheduler ...

I don't want to talk about how they implement PID, it would be really embarrassing ..

So, after ten months and after the umpteenth one-way discussion, I got up from my workplace and left without ever returning.

As for my professional level, I have always tried to structure the code following the theory of software engineering, I prefer to use C ++ than C, and use objects to program. I developed an actor framework in C ++, and used it both on the ATmega2560 and on the TI's MSP432. Each actor is made from a state machine that receives messages from a scheduler. I used some of the design patterns to implement this framework.

I have no particular problems developing high-level libraries or using an OS, yes I'm not an expert, but I'm not an unwary either.

The problem is that often and willingly, in Italy, there is not much space for those who try to stand out from the crowd, but I don't think the problem is mine. The fact is that at the moment I'm out of work, I try to hold on, but it's not easy ..

This is because reading your answer, my moral has risen! Thanks again! :)

Luca, I used to write in assembler and even directly in machine code back 30 years ago Z80, Intel 8080. It was fun. But the idea of C/C++ is to get the big projects fast. This is where CubeIDE, touchGFX comes, it is simple if somebody shows you. I have seen the ST online seminars, the guy talks for an hour about the boards instead of teaching step by step how to write the code to do project.