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Is the Application Template for the Stm32F69i-Discovery correct?

Senior III

I recently tried the Application Template for the Stm32F769i-Discovery board and noticed that the horizontal sizes in the CubeMX file are 448 instead of 800:



This appears to be incorrect.

Chief III

It's correct, but confusing - I agree =) It has to do with the "chunks" of the framebuffer we transfer to the DSI display for 16 and 24 bits respectively, to avoid tearing. And 448*2=896 also has special significance. If you check the HAL code you'll find that we split the framebuffer into these areas and transfer one at a time until done. (TE and EndOfRefresh interrupt handlers)

You can't represent this intention in CubeMX in a clear way, though :)

Senior III

@Martin KJELDSEN​  thanks for your quick reply.

That does explain it a bit. I also see that the following function is being called in MX_LTDC_Init():

  HAL_LTDC_SetPitch(&hltdc, 800, 0);

Senior III

The reason I ran into this is that I am comparing animation performance between this board and my custom board and trying to figure out why the Discovery board has better performance (with the same TouchGFX project). I was surprised it performs better because it is using DSI and my board is RGB--but it might make sense because with DSI, TouchGFX is Single Buffer strategy and because my display is RGB, I had to set TouchGFX to Double Buffer strategy.

Of course there are many other differences with one BIG one being my board has an STM32H743.

You do not necessarily need to use double FB with Parallel RGB, but ultimately a good idea if you have the RAM for it and a performance heavy GUI (animations, etc). The H7 does make a difference :)

@Martin KJELDSEN​ 

Just checking, to verify your statement. Would you expect the H7 to have poorer performance than the F769?

I noticed that the F769 Disco board has a 32 bit bus to the SDRAM, but I set it up as 16 bit and than did not reduce it's performance.

FYI, I am using a cacheable container (which you told me about weeks ago) which made a SIGNIFICANT improvement.

Oh, no the H7 should out perform. I read your statement wrong.

@Martin KJELDSEN​ I appreciate the feedback--and the clarification. It's day time here, not so in your case ;)

I will start dig into the configuration differences to try to find where my bottle neck is.

It _is_ getting a bit late :) Maybe tomorrow i can help track this down. Good luck today, though!


A little help would be much appreciated. I am seeing about 2 X the RENDER_TIME of the Discovery kit with the same animation being run on both.

I have looked at the TouchGFXHAL.cpp file and there are many differences between the Stm32F769i-Discovery and my project--which stands to reason because DSI is being used in the Discovery board.

I am wondering if that driver has been optimized for DSI and my driver might be missing some of this optimization? HAL_DSI_EndOfRefreshCallback(), etc.

I will also add that the VSYNC_FREQ GPIO signal is different on this DSI implementation compared to my board--Notice that it is a much wider pulse (is this also caused by the DSI implementation?).

Stm32F769i-Discovery performance


My board's performance


Overall this does not look like it will cause problems. But I am planning on adding more animations per frame, so it has me concerned and would like to have at least as good performance as the F769-discovery kit.

I should also add, that I am purposefully rendering every other frame during this example.