2018-09-14 8:11 AM
If I set up an STM32H7-based project (not based on a board) I don't see the 'Graphics' Middleware option. If I set up a STM32F746G-Disco board-based project it appears fine.
I'd really like to use the graphics layer, but I need to do so on my own board...
2018-09-14 8:48 AM
Well, talking to myself here, but I tried creating a project for the STM32H743I-Eval board (which has an LCD) and it didn't provide me with an option for the 'Graphics' middleware there either.
So I guess the question is broader now: Is STemWin supported at all on the STM32H7, and if not currently, is there an ETA ?
2018-09-14 8:52 AM
Currently, there is no graphic support for STM32H7 in STM32CubeMX V4.27.0.
It is planned to integrate this feature for STM32H7, but, unfortunately, we can't give you any target date for the moment.
With Regards,
2018-09-14 9:53 AM
There's a complete example of STemWin on the EVAL board
For different boards and displays you'll have to port them yourself. A lot of the code has commonality across platforms.
2018-09-14 10:20 AM
I guess I was working on the assumption that if it's an LTDC interface at RGB888, then it'd pretty much be the same across any board, assuming the resolution/frequency is supported by the display device.
Thanks for the pointer, but do you have any idea where the files are installed on a Mac ? I can't find them in the the two most-obvious places...
[~/Library] find . -name '*STM32Cube_FW_H7*'
[~/Library] cd /Applications/STMicroelectronics/
[/Applications/STMicroelectronics] find . -name '*STM32Cube_FW_H7*'
2018-09-14 11:31 AM
Under the Repository directory, via "Updater Settings" on a PC, sorry no idea on Mac.
* @file stm32h743i_eval_lcd.c
* @author MCD Application Team
* @version V1.2.0
* @date 29-December-2017
* @brief This file includes the driver for Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) module
* mounted on STM32H743I-EVAL evaluation board.
How To use this driver:
- This driver is used to drive directly an LCD TFT using the LTDC controller.
- This driver selects dynamically the mounted LCD, AMPIRE 640x480 LCD mounted
on MB1063 or AMPIRE 480x272 LCD mounted on MB1046 daughter board,
and uses the adequate timing and setting for the specified LCD using
device ID of the STMPE811 mounted on MB1046 daughter board.
It uses the same panels as the F4 boards, I moved the 640x480 over as the DSI panel on mine didn't have drivers, and there is some conjecture that the DSI didn't function properly.
2018-09-14 12:34 PM
So for any future reference, they end up in a .zip file in ~/Downloads.
Thanks for the help :)