2021-11-24 6:57 AM
Windows 10, TouchGFX Designer 4.18, STM32CubeIDE 1.7.0
STM32F469-DISCO board with 800x480 DSI display.
I'm trying to create a TouchGFX project, for which I can edit the visual part in TouchGFX Designer and the rest in STM32CubeIDE, so that I can edit stuff in the designer, save it and then go to STM32CubeIDE, compile it there and upload to the board. So far without success. I've been occasionally trying to do this for a few months. I try for a few days (heavy brainstorming), doesn't work, I give up (due to feeling helpless and demotivated and due to lack of possible solutions). Tried with designer 4.16 and cube 1.6.0 initially.
Now, I haven't found a single valid google result on how to do it and only a pair of vids on YouTube (by EE Karl). There is pretty much no other information on the topic in the google, I googled my fingers to blood.
A little premise about how I got into this situation:
I would want to go the other way around (create STM32CubeIDE project, setup peripherals, add TouchGFX component), but about half a year ago I spent 3-4 months daily trying to setup hardware and all I got was slo-mo picture with diagonal screen tearing (1s animation took like 4 seconds), after which I had a burnout regarding STM32 which persits to this day. For the most part due to lack of information - there is no info anywhere on the internet about what kind of settings to use with the display. So I was pretty much brute forcing different settings and never got adequate performance. So I switched to setting up TouchGFX Designer project for 469 first and then working on it in STM32CubeIDE, since then setting up hardware is taken care of, including Ext. Flash and SDRAM and everything else that needs to be setup once and not touched anymore. A handy shortcut for me to skip to actually interesting parts.
End of premise
Current problem:
there is no clear guide/instruction/manual/logical sequence about how to convert TouchGFX Designer project into something I can launch via STM32CubeIDE. So I'm trying to follow the few bits and pieces of information scattered on the internet and gently spruced my creative imagination.
I created a TouchGFX Designer project for my 469 disco board, clicked "generate code", opened STM32CubeIDE, File->Import->Existing Projects into Workspace, chose the folder my my TouchGFXDesigner App ("MyApplication" default TouchGFX Designer project name). In the checkboxes under "Options" in Import window only "search for nested projects" was ticked. Nothing else. (hasn't found any nested projects anyway). Imported it.
Now I have a project named "STM32F469I-EVAL" in STM32CubeIDE. Yes, EVAL. No idea why. I can't open IOC file, it says
Invalid State: Most probably trying to open 'STM32F469I-EVAL.ioc' file from an abnomal previous IDE session exit. Please close such editor and have a new try to recover properly.
I don't have any editors open and didn't have any. I never opened that IOC file with anything. Anyway, I restarted STM32CubeIDE multiple times. It stays.
Also, when I press "build" (the hammer icon), I I get all those smart lines about compiler doing it's compily things, until
make: *** No rule to make target 'C:/TouchGFXProjects/MyApplication/Drivers/STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f4xx_hal_uart.c', needed by 'Drivers/STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver/stm32f4xx_hal_uart.o'. Stop.
Specifically this file. The previous files with similar names like stm32f4xx_hal_tim compile OK and don't give any errors. IDE restart doesn't help it either.
I don't understand anything at all in compilers or linkers or whatever mysterious magic happens here. I just want to get the thing running and make it editable, I'm not experienced in STM32 (as you could have guessed). So if you want me to give you some info or you know what I should do/try, please explain it like for 50 IQ with every mouse click and every link to whatever helpful material you have in mind.
Basically, you can see I have all sorts of issues mentioned here and there, I would be glad if you could give me anything to improve my current situation of hopeless burnout with zero progress over several months of googling, videos, courses and practical trying. Thank you for your attention.
After long chat discussion with MM..1 and TeamViewer session we came to conclusion that Touch Designer 469-Disco projects of version 3.0.5 ARE BUGGED, 3.0.4 works OK!
(thank you for your time and patience)
My STM32 adventures are back on track.
Thank you everyone who participated in discussion!
Solved! Go to Solution.
2021-11-25 7:29 AM
Sorry for the pause. I reinstalled cubeIDE to be on the safe side. Currently my actions were: create a TouchGFX Designer project. "Run it on target". (Running on MCU OK). Then I opened the cproject file with double click. It said "imported successfully". It's the only project in the workspace. I right-clicked and pressed "Build" they way it is in your picture. It spits out the very same error about no rule to make target stm32f4xx_hal_uart.c (TouchGFX designer is open all this time). Next I switched to Designer and for the fun of it (or out of desperation) clicked "generate code". Switched back to IDE, "clean project" (OK), then build again. Identical error, no changes.
2021-11-26 5:14 AM
After long chat discussion and TeamViewer session we came to conclusion that Touch Designer 469-Disco projects of version 3.0.5 ARE BUGGED, 3.0.4 works OK!
2021-11-29 11:39 AM
Holy mackerel! Thanks for this thread. I've lost weeks struggling with this issue.
Why doesn't ST inform uses about this problem and the simple fix.
When you select the STM32F469I-DISCO board in TouchGFX, before clicking on create, select Version 3.0.4.
2022-03-31 10:25 AM
ST Support - Before I spend any time updating to Designer v4.19, Is this version 3.0.4 thing fixed? Do STM32F469i-DISCO setups work properly now with the latest version of all software?