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Import generate code TouchGFXDesigner that running Windows to Stm32CubeIDE on MAC OS


Hello everyone,

I have a "little" problem with TouchGFX on Windows 11 that running on VM (Parallels). The all tools chain are working properly on Windows 11. But, I have the necessity to import the generated code from TouchGFXDeisgner on Stm32CubeIDE that running on MAC OS.

Step that I performed to import the project from Windows 11 to MacOs (STM32CubeIDE).

  1. Generate code by TouchGFXDesigner - two screens with two buttons, very easy project.
  2. After generated code process, copy all folder on MacOS.
  3. Open STM32CubeIDE (1.8.0 version) and Import the project (Existing Projects into Workspace). Select only STM32CubeIDE folder.

At this point the project is loaded into IDE. Following issue are present:

  1. file .ioc no working, error if I try to open it. Error Message: "Invalid State: Most probably trying to open 'STM32F746G_DISCO.ioc' file from an abnomal previous IDE session exit. Please close such editor and have a new try to recover properly."
  2. If I try to build the project following errors are showed: " Description Resource Path Location Type make: *** No rule to make target '/Users/marcotrematerra/STM32CubeIDE/workspace_1.8.0/Middlewares/Third_Party/LibJPEG/source/jaricom.c', needed by 'Middlewares/LibJPEG/jaricom.o'. Stop. STM32F746G_DISCO C/C++ Problem"

With this way I have the same workspace structure that is possible to have with STM32CubeIDE on Windows 11. I checked the include path at section MCU GCC Compiler, all folders are included.

I tried to search on the forum but I don't found the procedure o similar issue.

Thanks a lot for support.


Chief II

Maybe you mix some definition ...

  1. Generate code by TouchGFXDesigner - two screens with two buttons, very easy project.
  2. After generated code process, copy all folder on MacOS.
  3. Open STM32CubeIDE (1.8.0 version) and Import the project (Existing Projects into Workspace). Select only STM32CubeIDE folder.

At 1 code folders generated in TGFX sometimes have compatible project subfolder with IDE sometimes not.

At 3. projects from TGFX compatible with IDE, have subfolder ....IDE and in it .project file, that need open not import.