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How to understand if frame buffer has changed with TouchGFX lib

Associate III


I have integrated with lwIP and freeRTOS a VNC server on a STM32H757-EVAL.

A VNC client works fine and I can see on it the first frame buffer drawn by the application; according to the VNC standard, the server should send a "new tile" (a square of pixel) to re-draw the frame buffer changed (if something happens and change it - i.e. slider, button clicked, etc..).

Is there any function or method to understand which pixel (or pixelS) has changed (in term of X and Y coordinates) from the previous frame buffer?

In this way, I can recreate a new tile and send it to the VNC client without re-send every time the whole frame buffer using less bandwidth.

Thanks for your help.



Sorry for the late reply...

Code is still too dirty and full of hacks and I am not ready to publish it. Basically it is the same ECOS VNC server code where OS functions ported to the corresponding CMSISv2 functions.

Thank you for reply. Is this the source code you started from :


Regards, Jure

Yes, this is it.​

vnc-server and vnc-mouse are only files needed since I do not need a hardware keyboard support and no drawing/printing functionality is needed because TouchGFX does all graphics​.

Please note that killing framebuffer task the way it is written here will kill whole FreeRTOS, so I just suspend framebuffer task functionality when VNC is not running.​

And if you have double framebuffer ​strategy for TouchGFX then make sure you are reading correct framebuffer.

I use RGB565 color space and only VNC client I was able to use is RealVNC.​

Thank you. I will give it a try. I already implemented fully working vnc from stemwin lib with touchgfx. It works with real vnc and any other client. However, I have problems with the vnc server freezing up occasionally and not being able to connect again until I reset the board. It freezes in a process that is part of the stemwin lib, which is very difficult to debug.



Ecos code is working now for 12 hours and at the moment have 30GB of data received. No hang ups during session.