2021-05-28 1:08 AM
Good afternoon. I made a working project on CubeIDE for a railway timetable (LWIP, FreeRTOS, DSI, HDMI). The project was created in the repository. But the management has a requirement to add a symbolic part (JPG or bmp image). There was a problem when docking the JPEG part to the project (Error 2). How do I remove the problem? With respect. Alexander
2021-06-03 3:58 AM
Good afternoon. I created an empty project in CubeMX. LWIP, FreeRtos. After that, I added http. I send you the result with the project.
2021-06-03 4:05 AM
2021-06-06 10:29 PM
Good afternoon. I ran CubeMX version 6.0.1. I activated JPEG, FREERTOS, LIBJPEG,LWIP.
I started the code generation. Then I ran the compiler from CubeIDE. After that, there are no errors in the project.
Next, I activated the LWIP HTTP option in CubeMX. Then I started generating the code. Then I ran the
compiler again from CubeIDE. After that, I got error 2. Sincerely, Alexander.
2021-06-07 1:40 AM
So which part of "Please copy & paste the Console output as text" did you not understand?
So now I have to break out the image editor, and go through the forum's image upload palaver ...
It's telling you that it can't find any file called 'fsdata_custom.c'
So the obvious first question is: do you actually have an 'fsdata_custom.c' file anywhere in your project?
2021-06-07 1:56 AM
The 'fsdata_custom. c' file is present in the project.
2021-06-07 2:25 AM
I found the cause of error 2 in my project. This is a random character in the path to the h folder. See the drawing. But why this error occurs when creating a standard project, I do not know.
2021-06-07 4:30 AM
It is very important for me to know where the instructions are how to create a file of the type image_320x240_argb8888[76800] from my similar one?