2020-11-02 4:18 AM
We are getting a lot of new ideas, which we are discussing internal, but getting your feedback and vote on each idea would be very helpful. So please go to below link and submit your vote and any feedback you might have.
List of some of the ideas:
You can find the rest here: https://community.st.com/s/ideazone?t=1604315637197#list
2020-12-26 3:41 AM
Just a friendly nudge towards all those ideas that have been generated since you posted this. Most of the ideas are just sitting there. What is the procedure for either accepting the ideas or rejecting them?
A lot of them are really good - It would be so nice to know if we can expect to see them introduced in upcoming versions :)
2020-12-27 4:30 AM
Rewrite it in C.
Better step by step tutorial.
2020-12-28 10:14 AM
Official support in the code and application templates for NVM storage of settings, defaults, states, etc. for screen elements. There have been several threads lately specific to this issue, eeprom emulation and SDMMC would be the storage locations needed. The implementation would need to handle control of memory mapped mode control of QSPI/OSPI if storing to those devices. The same updates to the applications could include basic implementations of message queuing to TGFX from a user task, and from TGFX to a user task for control based on screen events and settings changes (sliders, etc.)
2020-12-29 1:02 PM
All those ideas are very appreciated. We try to discuss each one of them, and set a status afterwards. Some of them is required more information, and all of them needs more votes from you the community, as it is not easy decide which one is most relevant for our users.
The process is to review, request more info, and then to reject or accept.
We are a bit behind, but we will get there to answer them all. And some of them will be introduced soon.
@Community member
For the step by step tutorial, i believe you are referring to this site: https://support.touchgfx.com/docs/introduction/welcome
We believe the overall documentation site is serving as a step by step, but maybe not touching all cases. If you have specific inputs, please share.
@Bob Bailey
Thanks for sharing the detailed input. I will have the engineering team to address the possible improvements/new features.
Hope you all are enjoying the holidays. Happy new year :)
2020-12-31 12:23 AM
Thank you for the clarification!
It was by no means meant at a slap to the face - I think you're all doing a great job and I know you are working **** ** the next iteration already :)
2021-02-03 6:24 AM
I think it should be useful if you add a new trigger in Buttons (Normal buttons, Flexible Buttons, etc): "unclicked" .
So a user can send a command when push down the button and send another command when the button is released.
Thanks a lot for your great job!
2021-02-11 12:27 AM
Would it be possible to implement an option that lets us choose if we have a B-LCDAD-HDMI / B-LCDAD-RPI1 connected to a STM32f669i (or similar boards) and that auto-generates the code for it? currently it´s much work to implement those two.
If thats not possible, a step by step tutorial on how to use those two with touchGFX would be very helpful.
2021-02-11 1:59 AM
I am unfamiliar with this but I believe it would be something to set with STM32CubeMX or through user code ? Have you done it yourself once or know where we could get the code ?
2021-02-24 1:22 AM
I think it might make sense to make the common display and touch driver IC (e.g. st7789 or ili9341) selectable on a custom board via SPI in TouchGFX, maybe as a example. I wrote a driver (CubeIDE) myself, but it doesn't even go into the from TouchGFX generated function "void TouchGFXHAL :: flushFrameBuffer (const touchgfx :: Rect & rect)". I don't find any hints online what I have to pay attention to apart from adding the functions. So here I would like more information. Because only doing the things that are in the instructions (https://support.touchgfx.com/docs/development/touchgfx-hal-development/scenarios/scenarios-spi#transfering-the-framebuffer) doesn't help and lead to some error messages in the cubeIDE. I also only find example code that uses FMC, but I would like to use SPI, so I can't use the drivers for the ICs that are used there either. The support for custom boards is rather low.
Best regards!