2021-02-12 9:38 AM
Problem is described here https://community.st.com/s/question/0D53W00000YU9O3SAL/loading-object-code-error
I try to find reason of problem by creating new clear project.
I created project in cubeMX 6.1.1, configured SDRAM, LTDC, QSPI, DMA2D
Than I added to H743.SCT this section
LR_EROM1 0x90000000 0x2000000 { ; load region size_region
ER_EROM1 0x90000000 0x2000000 { ; load address = execution address
*.o (ExtFlashSection)
;*.o (TextFlashSection)
*.o (FontFlashSection)
Keil project downloading and startin without any problems
This project is here https://cloud.mail.ru/public/uUgS/jxTK5fmg1
Than I edit project in TouchGFX editor, add one button, generate code, and build it in KEIL.
Than I download it to flash.
Then starting debug I get error, on this stage
this error
this error is not occured when I delete from H743.sct this code
LR_EROM1 0x90000000 0x2000000 { ; load region size_region
ER_EROM1 0x90000000 0x2000000 { ; load address = execution address
*.o (ExtFlashSection)
;*.o (TextFlashSection)
*.o (FontFlashSection)
But I need this code for keep pictures in QSPI.
Please, anybody, who have H743 board, please, try to download both projects an answer me - what reason of problem?
2021-02-12 10:14 AM
This question is into KEIL support and not ST bug. But i mean KEIL is good, but for example debug with more configs is impossible, attach to running MCU is one miracle and price for unlock is ...
2021-02-12 11:01 AM
You need to select a Flash Algorithm for the external QSPI Flash
2021-02-13 9:14 AM
IT is TouchGFX problem.
If I set TouchGX off in CUbeMX - problem disappeared.
2021-02-13 9:29 AM
Sorry , when you turn it off, sections ExtFlashSection... is empty = problem disappeared.
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2021-02-13 9:35 AM
"when you turn it off, sections ExtFlashSection... is empty = problem disappeared."
Really? YOu really think, that I so stupid?
After setting touchgfx off, I set ExtFlashSection to *.SCT MANUALLY!!!!!
I add
KEEP extern const unsigned char _blue_buttons_round_edge_small[] LOCATION_ATTRIBUTE("ExtFlashSection") = // 170x60 ARGB8888 pixels.
0x00, ...................
But problem (if touchgfx is off) not appears!
2021-02-13 9:45 AM
If you so clever - can you create simple project, add to it touchgfx with one button, and try to start on KEIL?
2021-02-13 10:31 AM
Sorry your example lines result
..\main.c(39): error: #77-D: this declaration has no storage class or type specifier
KEEP extern const unsigned char _blue_buttons_round_edge_small[] = { 0x00, 0X05 };
..\main.c(39): error: #65: expected a ";"
KEEP extern const unsigned char _blue_buttons_round_edge_small[] = { 0x00, 0X05 };
when i remove KEEP result warning extern have init, and when i remove extern compile ok,
but optimizer remove it from link when is not used...
i use this syntax
const unsigned char _blue_buttons_round_edge_small[] __attribute__((section ("ExtFlashSection"))) = { 0x00, 0X05 };
result to this
compiling main.c...
.\OUT\test.sct(21): warning: L6329W: Pattern *.o(ExtFlashSection) only matches removed unused sections.
2021-02-15 4:52 AM
I havent downloaded you project (not really allowed to, shady link), could you give more info on how you configured TouchGFX in your project ? If you look at the application template available in TouchGFX Designer for the H747-eval, you can see in the folder /projectName/TouchGFX/target files that we have set ourselves. Those are not generated by TouchGFX Generator. There are more steps involved than just setting it in CubeMX.
2021-02-15 8:28 AM
How it is difficultly...
I've attached CUbeMX project.
I ask somebodyx who have CubeMX+Keil+TouchGFX Designer to do next: