2020-10-23 12:36 AM
im using a STM32F469I-Disco and the newest CubeIDE.
I followed this guide, exactly step-by-step:
In Step 1.5. there is a peripheral called "graphics" but i dont have it?
What am i doing wrong?
Thanks for help!
2020-10-23 6:26 AM
I mean new IDE/MX dont support StemWin, only touchgfx.
When you need STemWin instal older CubeMX 5.4 and create or edit project here. Then import to IDE and continue.
2020-12-27 7:12 AM
After discovering TouchGFX Designer was not available under Linux I decided that I'd use STemWin, so finding this was helpful.
I downloaded and installed CubeMX 5.4, which in turn required a further 667MB of STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.24.2 but, sure enough I could do everything in the guide ...
Except for one:-
Seems like we Linux users are getting a poor deal when it comes to graphics tools, will this change soon?
2020-12-27 9:26 AM
Only way is remote conect to win example Connect to a Windows PC from Ubuntu using Remote Desktop Connection | Digital Citizen
or run virtualbox. Then you use only designer or all build in windows on shared folder .