Have installed STM32CubeIDE on my Debian Linux system.Following the QuickStart Guide, I try: File > New > STM32 Projectand it thinks about it and the gives me:-What did I forget to do and where does it tell me to do it?
Being in a similar position, I followed your suggestions of trying a simple TouchGFX Designer project and the STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.25.2\Projects\STM32469I-Discovery\Demonstrations\TouchGFX demo.In both cases they failed to compile with:-fatal error: to...
After discovering TouchGFX Designer was not available under Linux I decided that I'd use STemWin, so finding this was helpful.I downloaded and installed CubeMX 5.4, which in turn required a further 667MB of STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.24.2 but, sure enough I ...
That is a whole different argument :D But I find it easier to disable Wayland than rewrite Eclipse (and Synaptic) to be compatible (and probably others as well ...) :smirking_face: