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Creating a costum container/costum widget with a TextArea that has a variable ResourceID

Associate II

Is it possible to create a costum container with a TextArea, which hast a variable ResourceID. I want to create a template for a MenuItem.

When using a costum container i had to create ​a new costum container for each specific Text/ResourceID, right?

A costum widget could be a solution i guess, but this only can be done by code.

Will it be possible in the near future to create and use Costom Widgets in the TouchGFX Designer?

Alexandre RENOUX

Hello MAu,

(If I understand correctly your question) Custom Containers can definitely have a TextArea. Plus this TextArea can be changed accordingly as a MenuItem. For this, the TextArea needs to use Wildcards.

Also, Custom Containers can already be used in Designer. If you are talking about not using Custom Containers as a MenuItem but normal widget, you will find your created CustomContainer in the list of widgets when clicking on the (+) [Add a widget].

Please have a look at the UI Example "Scroll Wheel and Scroll List" available in TouchGFX Designer.
