2020-01-09 9:06 AM
Hi Everyone.
I have problem with STM32F746G-DISCO when i program .hex file demo as link https://www.touchgfx.com/resources/demos/
i'm doing step by step follow in pdf file attached in demo folder.
When i load .hex file in folder "3DBoxDemo" it is OK and run normal.
When i load .hex file in folder "touchgfx_demo2014" it show me a message as "TimeOut" picture. But when i restart STM32F746G-Disco, i see that have program running, but background color is red.
This happen again when i load .hex file in folder "touchgfx_demo2015_480x272_8MB", that mean i see that have program running, but background color is red.
I'm afraid that QSPI chip on STM32F746G-Disco have problem, so that it can't load background.
i hope anyone can help me solve this problem.
Thanks And Best Regards.
2020-01-09 10:53 AM
Try using the STM32 Cube Programmer application with the appropriate External Loader
Might also recommend trying the command line version of the ST-LINK Utilities.
Current firmwares and versions of all tools.
2020-01-09 6:05 PM
Hi clive1.
Thanks you for your advice.
But i don't know clearly your advice.
Could you tell me more detail "command line version of the ST-LINK Utilities"?
About current firmware and versions of all tools, i have already used latest version. It's Ok When i load .hex file in folder "3DBoxDemo".
2020-01-09 11:50 PM
> I'm afraid that QSPI chip on STM32F746G-Disco have problem, so that it can't load background.
I suppose your toolchain or programmer (ST-Link utility) can't deal with the external Flash at all.
2020-01-10 8:39 AM
ST-Link utility support external Flash, so i have selected external flashloader for F746g-disco in the External Flashloader settings.
I don't know, What is happening for my kit?
2020-01-10 10:38 PM
I have already replace QSPI chip on STM32F746-Disco, so could anyone can help me, how to program QSPI on on STM32F746-Disco?
2020-01-11 12:56 PM
First: Try to mass erase internal and external flash with the ST-Link utility, then disconnect and reconnect power to the disco board to make sure a power-on reset occurs. Then try to program the stock firmware shipped with CubeMX:
This way it's possible to find out whether the problem is the actual flash programming or in the firmware you intend to program.
Second: When does the "Timeout" appear? During the flash programming? If so, I'd suspect the option bytes, in particular the WWDG_SW and IWDG_SW. If any of them is cleared, the corresponding watchdog might kick in during programming of the external flash. I remember my disco board came with one of them cleared ... Don't know whether they're still shipped like that.
Third: After (unsuccessful) programming of the demos you tested, the part of the firmware in internal flash certainly configures the external flash for memory mapped read. So, you should be able to inspect memory at 0x90000000 onwards with (almost) any debugger via plain memory reads. At least partially programmed or still all 0xFFs?
2020-01-12 3:39 AM
Fist: I have already erase internal success, but erase external flash that's failure (i have replaced QSPI chip on STM32F746-Disco )
Second: About option byte WWDG_SW and IWDG_SW they are checked.
Third: I'm using STM32 Programmer and inspecting memory at 0x90000000.. so all data is 99999999.
So i'm don't know anything about how to QSPI operation?
do i must program any loader to QSPI before i'm program to STM32F746-Disco?
2020-01-12 7:24 AM
Replaced it with what? Exactly the same part number?
You're probably going to want to validate the QSPI read, write and erase from the application side. Check the QSPI and BSP examples provided in the CubeF7 package.
2020-01-12 7:26 AM
>>Third: I'm using STM32 Programmer and inspecting memory at 0x90000000.. so all data is 99999999.
Yes sounds like a wiring issue on the chip, or not switched into 4-bit mode