2020-02-07 7:31 PM
I use some ascii fonts and one chinese unicode font in my project. After I checked "binary font files" in designer v4.13, all fonts are generated as bin files.It is inconvienense to load all fonts at run time, and it even show nothing in simulater.
So, are there a way to specify some fonts are generated in c code, some others are in bin format.
2020-02-08 8:04 AM
I have patched binary font to the system. However, the binary font look incorrect as following picture:
void screenMainView::testClick()
Unicode::fromUTF8((const uint8_t*)"0123456789abcdefg一�?丂七丄丅丆万丈三上下丌�?与�?",
this->textAreaTestBuffer, TEXTAREATEST_SIZE);
It looks like the odd unicode can not get correct font data. or the data in font bin file is not correct.
I use designer 4.13, hope someone can help me.
2020-02-11 2:23 AM
After debug for some time, I found It is fault of my hardware board configuration. The font table access is not 4 byte aligned. It's ok after I enabled sdram's cache function.
2022-02-15 5:26 PM
Thank you for your problem solving record.