2021-03-03 10:33 AM
(.SE_IF_Code+0x0): multiple definition of `SE_APP_GetActiveFwInfo'
STM32L476 Demo
Solved! Go to Solution.
2021-03-05 10:13 AM
I confirm the issue. And looking into the command line, the -l:se_interface_app.o is added twice.
I could make the compilation work by
1) Removing the -l:se_interface_app.o from Tools Settings/Libraries/Libraries
2) Adding the same -l:se_interface_app.o in Tool Settings/Miscellaneous/Other flags
Best regards
2021-03-04 12:13 AM
Hello @Community member and welcome to the STM32 Community :smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes:
I added the topic "STM32CubeIDE" to your question to be reviewed by our CubeIDE experts.
Hi @Markus GIRDLAND ,
Can you please help @Community member on this issue?
2021-03-04 1:07 AM
As a workaround, you should be able to compile properly by placing the se_interface_app.o object file in the "Linker => Miscellaneous => Additional object flags" instead if the "Linker => Libraries => Libraries" (in the UserApp project).
2021-03-05 10:13 AM
I confirm the issue. And looking into the command line, the -l:se_interface_app.o is added twice.
I could make the compilation work by
1) Removing the -l:se_interface_app.o from Tools Settings/Libraries/Libraries
2) Adding the same -l:se_interface_app.o in Tool Settings/Miscellaneous/Other flags
Best regards
2021-03-25 9:05 AM
it works thanks Jocelyn
Just adding some infos where I found these options
click right when selecting the project which fail linking
Then properties
Got to C/C++ build setting
MCU GCC linker in Librairies you have entry :se_interface_app.o
remove it but select & clicking on the red cross icon
then select MCU GCC Linker/Miscellaneous
add -l:se_interface_app.o (please note the -l before)
Wait a bit for build and enjoy
Problem is solved
2021-04-20 9:56 PM
Hi Jocelyn,
i habe in deep the same problem
c:\st\stm32cubeide_1.2.0\stm32cubeide\plugins\com.st.stm32cube.ide.mcu.externaltools.gnu-tools-for-stm32.9-2020-q2-update.win32_1.5.0.202011040924\tools\arm-none-eabi\bin\ld.exe: ../Core/Inc/new_main.h:16: multiple definition of `huart_MHZ19C'; ../Core/Inc/new_main.h:16: first defined here...
But in my case, there is nothing to delete on Libraries
I added the object on the micellaneous and compile agin
Eventhough the changes. i get the same error
I appreciate your comments
2021-07-07 6:24 AM
I solved the problem by disconnecting and connecting the stm32-wl55c1 from my PC while pressing Debug botton in Cube-IDE.