2018-03-17 12:14 PM
I want to PORT X-CUBE-SBSFU on to STM32L475 Discovery IoT kit.
I want to know what are the initial steps i need to do for PORTING SBSFU on any nucleo Board.
Phanirajkiran#iot-node #device-security #secure-boot #secure-engine #stm32-security #secure-firmware-update2018-03-17 1:55 PM
>>I want to PORT X-CUBE-SBSFU on to STM32L475 Discovery IoT kit. I want to know what are the initial steps i need to do for PORTING SBSFU on any nucleo Board.
Fully understand how it functions and interacts with the initial NUCLEO-L476RG board.
Establish what key features of the L4 it is utilizing so you can migrate it to other L4 based NUCLEO and DISCO series boards.
Determine if it makes sense to start with a template project on the target platforms and merge in the code, or if you should just move all the code and fixup the differences. Usually pins, peripherals and clocks.
Review the HAL and STM32 specifics related to other family members you might wish to port to. It might not make sense to port to F4 based platforms as these are going to displaced by L4 and L4+ solutions. If you need more horse power look at F7 and H7 solutions.