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Drone Security Project: SBSFU Implementation


Hi ��

I am working on my project of ensuring the hardware security of the Drone's Flight Controller.

I am planning to use ARM PSA to ensure security of Drone System at hardware level.

I am developing drone security system by using NUCLEO-L552ZE-Q.

For this, I am referring to the SBSFU of STM32CubeL5, and there are two issues currently.

  1. If I want to apply Secure Boot for a new binary file (Ex: nuttx.bin), which part of the source code should be changed?
  2. How to turn off Secure Boot and return to the original state? Using doesn't bring it back. ��

Thank you sincerely ��

PS) My project Link:

Jocelyn RICARD
ST Employee

Hello Korkeep,

First I would suggest having a look to the UM2671 Getting started with STM32CubeL5 TFM application

I'm not sure to understand your first question.

The way to provide the new signed binary is through UART/YModem as described in the documentation.

Regarding regression I can't tell like this what is your issue.

I can suggest watching following videos:

1) the security workshop with TFM related parts videos 8 to 14 in the following list

2) In the security TIPS, the video number 2 Safe configuration of RDP and trustzone

These will give you the understanding on how things work.

Best regards
