2020-02-26 8:43 AM
The gdbserver TrueStudio installed is dated Nov 21, 2018. Meanwhile it's unstable, half the time requiring an IDE restart as it loses its mind, and stable gdbservers elsewhere are vintage Oct 30 2019.
When will ST-Link_gdbserver receive an update? Has it been abandoned?
2020-02-26 10:28 AM
If you are on linux. you can grab bl*ckm*g*c debug probe from github. Compile for PROBE_HOST=stlinkv2. Start teh resulting executabe. Connect to :2000. Compiling for Macos and Windows is more challenging.
2020-02-26 2:08 PM
That was strange, the name of the product was redacted. Will it redact lyrics from the song "That old bl*ck m*gic has me in its spell" I wonder? Wow that's wild that the word's banned
I am on linux but I'm not sure I understand what this'll get me. Is it for using Visual Studio as the IDE instead of TrueStudio? Does it replace the ST-Link_gdbserver executable?
2020-02-27 1:48 AM
The collection of bl*ck m*gic firmware and pc programm allows you to run a gdb server on several hardware debugger platforms. This happens either by running it's own firmware on the hardware ("native" for https://www.mouser.de/ProductDetail/Adafruit/3839?qs=%2Fha2pyFadujhv30PqYGu3p53nAtMHEnWHxOtPNBxxglfhc2EDGx9DA%3D%3D, "stlink" if you reflash a STLINKV2(1) and some others platforms) where the GDB server appears as a CDC-ACM device, or with the native firmware of the hardware ("pc-stlinkv2", "libftdi", "cmsis-dap (only in a branch") where a PC programm implements the gdb server, talks to the hardware debugger via USB and offers it as a socket. It is similar to openocd, but without the need for zillions of configuration file and easier process to get enhancements into the code. It is another gdbserver, like the ST one, the Open-OCD one or the pyOCD one.
2020-02-27 7:59 AM
I see. I saw a BM debugger profile in a drone-related project and didn't know what it was. Thank you for teaching me. I'm expecting a new old H743 board and when that comes in I'll try this out on the new new H743 board.