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Using my STM32H757I-EVAL board I can't anymore flash the core M4. Error on keil environment.

Associate III

Trying to flash the core M4 on a STM32h757 micro, Keil give me the following error.

0693W00000KZfVFQA1.pngI have 2 eval board: one works fine and the other one give me the above error with the same keil project and configuration.

Just to inform you, when I flash the CM7 core, in the board where flash CM4 doesn't work, I have the following warning/error on keil. Could it be the same problem? Because on the board that works fine, I don't have this type of error flashing CM7 core.

0693W00000KZfZRQA1.pngCan someone help me? Do you think that there is an HW problem or just a wrong configuration? It seems that CM4 is not running but I checked also the BCM7 and BCM4 bit and they are both checked on CubeProgrammer (in both board).

Thanks in advance for any help.