2023-06-09 2:47 PM
I'm trying to implement a datalogger using a 32F769IDISCOVERY. I would like to be able to create a .txt file, write information on it and save this file on the SD card available on the board. The problem is, I've tried a lot of things, even followed the official ST.com step by step tutorial which is available on Youtube. The condition:
"if(f_open(&SDFile, "STM32.TXT", FA_CREATE_ALWAYS | FA_WRITE) != FR_OK)" is never executed, regardless of the code change I've already tried.
Could you help me out? Would you have an working example you could share? Thanks.
2023-06-10 1:08 AM - edited 2023-11-20 3:31 AM
first try some search here . assuming, you are not the first and only with this problem...
search just : sdio , then sdmmc , sd card , sdcard.
after reading some of these, you get it running.
if not, come back and tell, what you tried.
2023-06-10 5:09 AM