2016-09-22 6:19 AM
I have a project based on stm32f373, I'd like to trigger sdadc conversion with RTC synchronyzed frequency, are there any solutions to do this without external routing MCO output(LSE) -> Timer Input -> Triggering SDADC from timer? #rtc #sdadc #stm32f3732016-09-22 9:06 AM
Hi ryabov.alexander,
You can use the interconnection between timers and SDADC without using any external path. Just configure the timer to trigger internally the SDADC for conversion. I recommend that you take a look to the application note AN4651 ''STM23F3 series peipheral interconnect matrix'' , part ''3.2 From TIM and EXTI to SDADC'' table 15. You can user CubeMx tool to generate the initialization code. -Hannibal-