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transform the function HAL_GetTick() in a 64bit

Associate III

Hello Everybody,


I would like transform the HAL_GetTick() function more than 49 days.

I don't find a NVIC overflow on this function to increment a second variable.


In my while I have do this with



uint32_t		Mem_GetTick;
uint64_t		Tick64;




while (1)
       if (HAL_GetTick() != Mem_GetTick)
		Mem_GetTick = HAL_GetTick();



MAybe there is a more efficicent solution


Thank you to share your exeprience



>>Maybe there is a more efficient solution

In SysTick or via HAL_IncTick() ??

You really shouldn't have any timeouts / spin loops that wait for 49-50 days, perhaps address those parts of the code.

Try to use delta time measurements, and not wait of things like >= time-in-future or >= (start + delay-time)


Some STM32 have a 64-bit count in the ETH-PTP hardware

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Karl Yamashita

Why don't you use the RTC peripheral? It'll be more accurate than using Systick and incrementing a uint64_t variable. It could drift over time due to n amount of instruction cycles it take to increment the 64 bit value.

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Principal II

What you are doing in the while loop will go wrong as soon as you do other stuff in there (that takes more than a millisecond).

Why not build a timer with a 1 ms interrupt, in its ISR you can count these 1 ms ticks with a uint64_t.

Or just hack the SysTick interrupt by incrementing an extra uint64_t variable. Or do you need "clean" HAL ?

> Or just hack the SysTick interrupt by incrementing an extra uint64_t variable.

...  and when using it, keep atomicity in mind.



@waclawek.jan wrote:

> Or just hack the SysTick interrupt by incrementing an extra uint64_t variable.

...  and when using it, keep atomicity in mind.


If you are going to reference the uint64_t often, then, atomicity may become inconvenient. You could consider using a uint32_t variable inside the SysTick interrupt at different rate - like :-

     if ((uwTick % 10) == 0) myunit32++;    // every 10mS = 490 days'ish....

I hope this helps.

Kind regards

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