2021-07-24 5:58 AM
hello dear forum,
my 103c8 blue pill doesnot enter TIM1 CC interrupt although there is square wave at A8 pin
the variable which I increment inside interrupt routine doesnot count
I can see TIM1 counting in CubeIDE
I am missing something but I cant find - please advice - thank
2021-07-24 6:09 AM
Read out and check TIM1_SR if the proper flag is set, and then TIM1_DIER if the enable bit is set.
Make sure the ISR is properly named, name matching that in the vector table source in startup code, and that its address is inserted properly into the correct place of the vector table (best to do this in disasm).
Some other interrupt debugging hints here.
2021-07-24 12:18 PM
Clearing the flag before you read it isn't going to be very useful.