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ThreadX status and future

Senior III

Hi All,

Not so long ago ST has selected Microsoft ThreadX as one of its its strategic technologies.
In my opinion it is a very good RTOS. The problem is that it was supported by Microsoft only, no other community project integrates with it, e.g. mcuboot etc. It is almost like ThreadX does not exist.
Now, Microsoft ThreadX is Eclipse-ThreadX. It is open-source, MIT licensed but last Github commit was made 6 months ago. The latest version is 6.4.1 while ST is still stacked with version 6.2.0.

No significant ST 's commitment is visible. It does not look good - regretfully, I need to say.

Am I missing something?

I need to decide whether I should use it in my project or abandon while I still have a choice.

Senior II

If your project has a long timeline and requires extensive community support and ecosystem integration, it will be wise to consider alternatives like FreeRTOS or Zephyr.

@liaifat85 That is what I start to think. There are no signs ST wants to pick this ball up, probably eventually ST will drop ThreadX and go back to FreeRTOS or switch to Zephyr, unless something more exotic will gain sympathy of some VP detached from reality.