2024-09-04 3:34 AM
i am using nucleo-144, H743ZI2 board. while i am uploading code in the stm32cubeide i am getting error as "target not found". i have searched in the community and then tried connect the boot0 to high, and power the board, connect to cube programmer and erase full chip flash memory. while i do that i am not able to connect board. i am getting an error as: no stm32 target found. i have tried to connect boot 0 to vcc and power it. In the cube programmer i am unable to get the connect. and i have gone through the user manual of the board h743zi2 board, but there also i received the same answer. when i connect or power the board, we get the firmware right, i am getting mbed, details and failed also. in the fail text document i have "The interface firmware FAILED to reset/halt the target MCU". what should i do? I want to upload the new code and will it be possible to erase the old code.
2024-09-05 3:50 AM
yeah, from vdd and jp4 i got 5volts power. and i did power my board from the USB PWR(CN1) to the usb of the laptop.
2024-09-05 3:53 AM
5V as VDD would for sure break your MCU.
2024-09-05 3:54 AM
yeah, when vdd_mcu i got 5volts power from multimeter. and for the power i am giving usb_pwr(CN1) to the usb of the laptop
2024-09-05 4:06 AM
A host pc connected to CN1 through USB cable is how i powered my board.
2024-09-05 4:15 AM
Are you sure you measured the voltage level on these points? and you connect the cable to CN1 USB cable?
Because it doesn't make sense to get 5V on VDD_MCU on JP4.
2024-09-05 5:01 AM
yes, i have got that on vdd. and the power i am using is usb pwr(CN1) to the usb cable connected to the laptop
2024-09-05 5:48 AM
Unfortunately, I think your board is broken (may be the 3.3V regulator was burned inducing to pass the previous regulator 5V voltage?) as well as your MCU.
2024-09-05 9:48 PM
so, the thing is i measured it wrong. now when i correct it i am getting it as 0volts nearly. so i guess my board isn't broken. what is this 0 volts. how much should i get and everything?
2024-09-06 2:45 AM
@suhfi wrote:
so, the thing is i measured it wrong. now when i correct it i am getting it as 0volts nearly. so i guess my board isn't broken. what is this 0 volts. how much should i get and everything?
Sorry, I didn't understand. Please be more concise in order to avoid unnecessary ping pong and converge to a solution.
You need to post a picture of your board with an ST-LINK connection and show how do you measure VDD_MCU using a multimeter or something else ..
Thank you for your understanding.
2024-09-06 3:45 AM
So, sorry for miscommunication from my behalf. I wanted to say that i have checked voltage in a wrong way. and after seeing the picture you shared me, i did it the right way and i am getting 0volts. and so i have a question. how much exactly i should get ?