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Strange ADC issue in STM32G491



I have a very strange ADC issue which I am unable to find the root cause to. The symptom is as follows;

While performing ADC readings to ADC1 IN1 and ADC2 IN1 consecutively, the readings sometimes differ by more than 32 ADC counts. I perform this check as part of BIST. This only happens when at the same time a UART signal is coming in to USART3_RX (115kbps). To prove that the USART3_RX is causing the problem, I sever the connection or stop transmission (both produce the same result). The issue goes away and everything works fine.

What could be the issue? Is there something else I could do to mitigate this issue besides stopping the UART signal?

I have not been able to mitigate the issue so far. All my efforts so far to uncover the issue have not yielded any results.

I am aware that these 2 channels are essentially routed to the same pin and shared by the 2 ADCs so the readings should be identical if not very close.

Principal III

How are the pins externally connected?

What are the details for measurement like sampling time? Code?


Are those two readings taken simultaneously or in close succession? 

Is the input signal rock stable? 

What happens if Rx signal is present but you disable Rx in software?

What happens if you introduce deliberate delays in software?