2018-10-29 4:57 AM
Good Day
I am having some issues with the software EEPROM Emulation Library for the STM32L433.
Every couple of minutes I save a few system parameters to the virtual EEPROM.
Many times this operations fails, and EE_ERROR_NOACTIVE_PAGE is returned.
I do check for "Cleanup Required" which should switches pages as I undestand.
How do I force the library to do a cleanup or find an appropriate page?
The function below is what I call to save 32bit variables.
void save32BitToFlash(uint16_t Address, uint32_t Value)
uint32_t VarValue = 0;
ee_status = EE_OK;
ee_status = EE_ReadVariable32bits(VirtAddVarTab[Address], &VarValue);
char temp[100];
if (VarValue != Value) // Flash Update Required
/* Wait any cleanup is completed before accessing flash again */
if (ErasingOnGoing == 1)
debugString(DUSB,"Flash ErasingOnGoing...\r\n");
while (ErasingOnGoing == 1) {}
ee_status = EE_WriteVariable32bits(VirtAddVarTab[Address], Value);
ee_status|= EE_ReadVariable32bits(VirtAddVarTab[Address], &VarValue);
if (VarValue != Value)
sprintf(temp, "Flash Write 32bit Error @ Address:%d Value:%lu - ee_status = %d - Retrying\r\n",Address,Value , ee_status);
ee_status = EE_WriteVariable32bits(VirtAddVarTab[Address], Value);
ee_status|= EE_ReadVariable32bits(VirtAddVarTab[Address], &VarValue);
if (VarValue != Value)
sprintf(temp, "Flash Write 32bit Retry Error too - ee_status = %d\r\n", ee_status);
/* Start cleanup IT mode, if cleanup is needed */
debug("Flash Cleanup Required\r\n");
ErasingOnGoing = 1;
ee_status|= EE_CleanUp_IT();
debug("Flash EE_STATUSMASK_ERROR\r\n");
This is the console output - Indicating frequent errors, sometimes on the second try it succeeds, sometimes it doesn't.
Flash Write 32bit Error @ Address:87 Value:42 - ee_status = 3 - Retrying
Flash Write 32bit Retry Error too - ee_status = 3
Flash Write 32bit Error @ Address:3 Value:1 - ee_status = 3 - Retrying
Flash Write 32bit Retry Error too - ee_status = 3
Flash Write 32bit Error @ Address:11 Value:1 - ee_status = 3 - Retrying
Flash Write 32bit Retry Error too - ee_status = 3
Flash Float Write Error - Retrying
Flash Float Write Error - Retrying
Flash Write 32bit Error @ Address:26 Value:1 - ee_status = 3 - Retrying
Flash Write 32bit Retry Error too - ee_status = 3
Flash Write 32bit Error @ Address:31 Value:1 - ee_status = 3 - Retrying
Flash Write 32bit Retry Error too - ee_status = 3
Flash Write 32bit Error @ Address:32 Value:1 - ee_status = 3 - Retrying
Flash Write 32bit Retry Error too - ee_status = 3
Flash Write 32bit Error @ Address:33 Value:1 - ee_status = 3 - Retrying
Flash Write 32bit Retry Error too - ee_status = 3
Flash Write 32bit Error @ Address:35 Value:1 - ee_status = 3 - Retrying
Flash Write 32bit Error @ Address:36 Value:1 - ee_status = 3 - Retrying
Flash Write 32bit Error @ Address:40 Value:1 - ee_status = 3 - Retrying
Flash Write 32bit Retry Error too - ee_status = 3
Flash Write 32bit Error @ Address:41 Value:1 - ee_status = 3 - Retrying
Flash Write 32bit Retry Error too - ee_status = 3
Flash Write 32bit Error @ Address:42 Value:1 - ee_status = 3 - Retrying
Flash Write 32bit Retry Error too - ee_status = 3
Flash Write 32bit Error @ Address:87 Value:42 - ee_status = 3 - Retrying
Flash Write 32bit Retry Error too - ee_status = 3
2018-10-30 7:15 AM
I have figured out that the root cause of the failure is due to "HAL_Error" being returned from withing "Flash_WaitForLastOperation" which is called twice within HAL_Flash_Program.
After the HAL_Error if I call HAL_Flash_GetError I get error number 168, but I can't figure out what the number 168 means?
Flash_WaitForLastOperation 1 returned:1
Error Handler ..\Src\eeprom_emul.c at line 1480
Flash Write Status @987 Value:1 ee_status = 2
Flash Read Status @987 Value:1 ee_status = 0
Flash_WaitForLastOperation 2 returned:1 FlashError:168
Flash_WaitForLastOperation 2 returned:1 FlashError:168
The Error Handler is called from here:
/* Program variable data + virtual address + crc */
/* If program operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */
if (EE_FLASH_PROGRAM(activepageaddress+uwAddressNextWrite, EE_ELEMENT_VALUE(VirtAddress,Data,crc)) != HAL_OK)
_Error_Handler(__FILE__, __LINE__);
2020-08-27 1:25 AM
Hi abotha,
I am facing the similar issue. EE_FLASH_PROGRAM is returning HAL error because FLASH->SR is set to 160. I am trying to write 32 bit data.
Could you please let me know if you have found the solution for this.
2020-11-25 11:50 PM
Hi abotha,
Chip FLASH write operations are prone to errors. Clearing the error flags before writing can solve this problem.
status = EE_WriteVariable32bits(addr, (uint32_t)*buf);
/* Start cleanup IT mode, if cleanup is needed */
if ((status & EE_STATUSMASK_CLEANUP) == EE_STATUSMASK_CLEANUP) {ErasingOnGoing = 1;status|= EE_CleanUp_IT();}
if ((status & EE_STATUSMASK_ERROR) == EE_STATUSMASK_ERROR) {Error_Handler();}