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STM32L4xx EEPROM Emulation Library No Active Page

Associate III

Good Day

I am having some issues with the software EEPROM Emulation Library for the STM32L433.

Every couple of minutes I save a few system parameters to the virtual EEPROM.

Many times this operations fails, and EE_ERROR_NOACTIVE_PAGE is returned.

I do check for "Cleanup Required" which should switches pages as I undestand.

How do I force the library to do a cleanup or find an appropriate page?

The function below is what I call to save 32bit variables.

void save32BitToFlash(uint16_t Address, uint32_t Value)
	uint32_t VarValue = 0;
	ee_status = EE_OK;
	ee_status = EE_ReadVariable32bits(VirtAddVarTab[Address], &VarValue);
	char temp[100];
	if (VarValue != Value) // Flash Update Required
		/* Wait any cleanup is completed before accessing flash again */
		if (ErasingOnGoing == 1)
			debugString(DUSB,"Flash ErasingOnGoing...\r\n");
			while (ErasingOnGoing == 1) {}
		ee_status = EE_WriteVariable32bits(VirtAddVarTab[Address], Value);
		ee_status|= EE_ReadVariable32bits(VirtAddVarTab[Address], &VarValue);
		if (VarValue != Value)
			sprintf(temp, "Flash Write 32bit Error @ Address:%d Value:%lu - ee_status = %d - Retrying\r\n",Address,Value , ee_status);
			ee_status = EE_WriteVariable32bits(VirtAddVarTab[Address], Value);
			ee_status|= EE_ReadVariable32bits(VirtAddVarTab[Address], &VarValue);
			if (VarValue != Value)
				sprintf(temp, "Flash Write 32bit Retry Error too - ee_status = %d\r\n", ee_status);
		/* Start cleanup IT mode, if cleanup is needed */
			debug("Flash Cleanup Required\r\n");
			ErasingOnGoing = 1;
			ee_status|= EE_CleanUp_IT();
			debug("Flash EE_STATUSMASK_ERROR\r\n");

This is the console output - Indicating frequent errors, sometimes on the second try it succeeds, sometimes it doesn't.

Flash Write 32bit Error @ Address:87 Value:42 - ee_status = 3 - Retrying
Flash Write 32bit Retry Error too - ee_status = 3
Flash Write 32bit Error @ Address:3 Value:1 - ee_status = 3 - Retrying
Flash Write 32bit Retry Error too - ee_status = 3
Flash Write 32bit Error @ Address:11 Value:1 - ee_status = 3 - Retrying
Flash Write 32bit Retry Error too - ee_status = 3
Flash Float Write Error - Retrying
Flash Float Write Error - Retrying
Flash Write 32bit Error @ Address:26 Value:1 - ee_status = 3 - Retrying
Flash Write 32bit Retry Error too - ee_status = 3
Flash Write 32bit Error @ Address:31 Value:1 - ee_status = 3 - Retrying
Flash Write 32bit Retry Error too - ee_status = 3
Flash Write 32bit Error @ Address:32 Value:1 - ee_status = 3 - Retrying
Flash Write 32bit Retry Error too - ee_status = 3
Flash Write 32bit Error @ Address:33 Value:1 - ee_status = 3 - Retrying
Flash Write 32bit Retry Error too - ee_status = 3
Flash Write 32bit Error @ Address:35 Value:1 - ee_status = 3 - Retrying
Flash Write 32bit Error @ Address:36 Value:1 - ee_status = 3 - Retrying
Flash Write 32bit Error @ Address:40 Value:1 - ee_status = 3 - Retrying
Flash Write 32bit Retry Error too - ee_status = 3
Flash Write 32bit Error @ Address:41 Value:1 - ee_status = 3 - Retrying
Flash Write 32bit Retry Error too - ee_status = 3
Flash Write 32bit Error @ Address:42 Value:1 - ee_status = 3 - Retrying
Flash Write 32bit Retry Error too - ee_status = 3
Flash Write 32bit Error @ Address:87 Value:42 - ee_status = 3 - Retrying
Flash Write 32bit Retry Error too - ee_status = 3

Associate III

I have figured out that the root cause of the failure is due to "HAL_Error" being returned from withing "Flash_WaitForLastOperation" which is called twice within HAL_Flash_Program.

After the HAL_Error if I call HAL_Flash_GetError I get error number 168, but I can't figure out what the number 168 means?

Flash_WaitForLastOperation 1 returned:1

Error Handler ..\Src\eeprom_emul.c at line 1480

Flash Write Status @987 Value:1 ee_status = 2

Flash Read Status @987 Value:1 ee_status = 0

Flash_WaitForLastOperation 2 returned:1 FlashError:168

Flash_WaitForLastOperation 2 returned:1 FlashError:168

The Error Handler is called from here:

  /* Program variable data + virtual address + crc */
  /* If program operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */
  if (EE_FLASH_PROGRAM(activepageaddress+uwAddressNextWrite, EE_ELEMENT_VALUE(VirtAddress,Data,crc)) != HAL_OK)
	 _Error_Handler(__FILE__, __LINE__);
	 return EE_WRITE_ERROR;

Associate II

Hi abotha,

I am facing the similar issue. EE_FLASH_PROGRAM is returning HAL error because FLASH->SR is set to 160. I am trying to write 32 bit data.

Could you please let me know if you have found the solution for this.

Associate II

Hi abotha,

Chip FLASH write operations are prone to errors. Clearing the error flags before writing can solve this problem.


    status = EE_WriteVariable32bits(addr, (uint32_t)*buf);
    /* Start cleanup IT mode, if cleanup is needed */
    if ((status & EE_STATUSMASK_CLEANUP) == EE_STATUSMASK_CLEANUP) {ErasingOnGoing = 1;status|= EE_CleanUp_IT();}
    if ((status & EE_STATUSMASK_ERROR) == EE_STATUSMASK_ERROR) {Error_Handler();}