2016-11-21 6:21 AM
I seem to have issues with TIM6 and TIM7 (the enable bit seems to directly be turned to 0 when I write it to 1) in OPM (One Pulse Mode) when I have a 1.8V power supply. The timers (both) seem to operate properly when I use a 2.2V power supply. Is this a known problem or am I doing something wrong? (I did not see any mention of this in the errata file).Best regards,JH. #tim6 #low-power #stm32l471 #tim72016-11-21 10:43 PM
Is the problem restricted to OPM?
Are there outputs to pins/external hardware from these timers? JW2016-11-22 5:45 AM
Hi, thank you for your answer.
I didn't test any other other configuration than OPM. Actually I initiate the timer and use it as a timeout in a polling loop. Works perfectly (2ms when VCC=2.2V on the same board or 3.3V on another board - completely different design, but same CPU), by waiting for the EN flag to get reset by hardware. With 1.8V, the bit is directly read as 0 and my wait aborts.JH.2016-11-22 5:59 AM
And other timers do work as expected? Do TIM6/TIM7 run at all?
Post readback content of relevant RCC and timer registers, just after the enable bit is read as 0. JW