2017-08-03 3:36 AM
Posted on August 03, 2017 at 12:36
I have a problem with DMA mode reading multiple blocks.
To simplify a problem i took an example from the
uSD\ archive.
is used.
Read blocks not worked good, it started to work after i separated rx and tx and added Init and Deinitto DMA each time that i use that channel.
The problem is witha write now. I can write only blocks that are less then 1k. from 1k to 4096 sometimes it can write and sometimes
f_writereturn 0x
It always fails to write blocks bigger then 4096, bsp_write_blocks always fails with MSD_ERROR .
The problem only in DMA mode, polling mode works great.
Note: this post was migrated and contained many threaded conversations, some content may be missing.
2017-08-03 5:18 AM
With write using SDIO+DMA, one problem is that the DMA completes long before the SDIO FIFO clears, so using the DMA TC as a completion indicator is problematic. So after confirming DMA TC signals, you then need to watch the FIFO depth zero out.
2017-08-03 6:36 AM
Thank you for your fast reply.
Do you know which function should we use to check the FIFO empty state?
2017-08-03 10:11 AM
It will be the SDMMC_FIFOCNT register, you'll need to grep the library source to see how that is exposed/wrapped.
2018-03-23 5:01 AM
Even I am facing problem when trying to read/write in DMA mode.
Rewritten call back functions in my c file and checking the card status also.
I am working on f4 disco EVAL.
please let me know if you got read/write DMA working with one and multiple blocks.
2018-03-23 6:34 AM
He's using an L4, not an F4
SDIO+DMA is workable on a number of F4 platforms
2018-03-26 2:09 AM
Hi Clive,
You are right that SDIO+DMA is workable on a number of F4 platforms but I have following issue.
When I read/write single block in DMA mode without file system , it is working fine.
But When I am writing/ reading multiple blocks (1000) blocks in loop , I am not sure what exactly is happening.
I am writing and trying to read same data in buffer. That buffer (Rx), when I print, it is empty.
while(i++ < 1000)
{ txDone = 1; //printf(' Write_addr is 0x%x \n' ,addr); HAL_SD_WriteBlocks_DMA(&hsd, Tx, addr, 1); while(txDone == 0 ){} //it will be set in call back function while(HAL_SD_GetCardState(&hsd) != HAL_SD_CARD_TRANSFER){} addr += 0x200; }while(i++ < 1000)
{ rxDone = 1; HAL_SD_ReadBlocks_DMA(&hsd, Rx, read_addr, 1); while(rxDone == 0 ){} // it will be set in callback function while(HAL_SD_GetCardState(&hsd) != HAL_SD_CARD_TRANSFER){} read_addr += 0x200; printf('RX is %s \n', Rx); }2018-03-26 7:46 AM
How is rxDone/txDone going to work here? Apt to immediately drop through.
2018-03-26 8:10 AM
Hi Clive,
Following are my callback functions where I am using these rxDone/txDone.
void HAL_SD_TxCpltCallback(SD_HandleTypeDef *hsd)
{ if (hsd->Instance==SDIO) { txDone = 0; }}void HAL_SD_RxCpltCallback(SD_HandleTypeDef *hsd)
{ if (hsd->Instance==SDIO) { rxDone = 0; }}Also,
I am able to write 1000- blocks with DMA write by adding following lines of code in HAL_SD_WriteBlocks_DMA()
/* Clear all the static flags */
__HAL_SD_CLEAR_FLAG(hsd, SDIO_STATIC_FLAGS); hsd->State = HAL_SD_STATE_READY;Have also added these lines of code in HAL_SD_ReadBlocks_DMA(), but its working only in debug mode.
Working on HAL_SD_ReadBlocks_DMA () to read multiple blocks.
2018-03-26 9:17 AM
The logic is broken.