2018-03-29 1:52 AM
I'm new to STMicroelectronics systems.
For my internship, I have to work with the SensiBLE sensors from SensiEdge. The board has the same sensors as STMicroelectonics and work with the project demo: FP-SNS-ALLMEMS1.
I followed the installation instruction
and installed System Workbench for STM32.Then when I launch ST BlueMS, I can connect with Bluetooth only once.
If I turn off the application and try to reconnect after, the app BlueMS shows the error: Error during the connection with the node AM1V1330.
And sometimes I didn't even see it with Bluetooth scan.
If there is any solution for this problem, please let me know.
#bluetooth #nucleo-stm #stm32-l4 #nucleo-stm32l476rg #sensiedge #sensible #sytem-workbench