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STM32H743xG - How to handle the gap between the to flash banks for bootloading ?


Hello everyone.


I am currently working on a bootloader with a STM32H743VGT6.

I need to write data on both banks which aren't continuous as you can see below:




It was recommended in this topic to use HEX format, but I need to stick to bin files.


So my question is:

Can I set all the data in the bin file from 0x0808 0000 to 0x080F FFFF to the value 0xFF?

Or do I need to find an other solution? Like using two bin files (which I'd like to avoid).


Thank you in advance for your help.

Best regards,


You could use a single linear binary, where you *know* when writing it to memory that you need to skip forward 512KB after writing the first 512KB

addr += 128; // example when writing 128-byte blocks
if (addr == 0x08080000) addr += 0x800000; // skip count from 0x0807FFFF to 0x08100000 when writing

Are we sure there's not 2MB on die?

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Pavel A.
Evangelist III

@SMarie This picture is for STM32H742 or other models with a hole between banks. Your STM32H743 does not have a hole. Bank 2 begins immediately after bank1, so no problem.