2024-10-02 8:36 AM
I am using linked list mode for circular buffering DMA with Timer1 in burst mode. The expectation is that after 300 transfer from memory to timer 1 CCR register, the DMA should start again with the buffer. To do that I need to use Half Trasfer interrupt and Transfer complete interrupt to elaborate the buffer.
It happen something strange, I receive interrupt for each data transferred from memory to peripheral, instead of the half/complete transfer, so I cannot process the buffer.
Here is my configuration:
//Setting of DMA Burst for Timer
dmacfg.Request = req;
dmacfg.DestAddress = dest;
dmacfg.DataAlignment = LL_DMA_DATA_ALIGN_ZEROPADD;
dmacfg.SrcBurstLength = srclen;
dmacfg.DestBurstLength = dstlen;
dmacfg.SrcIncMode = LL_DMA_SRC_INCREMENT;
dmacfg.DestIncMode = LL_DMA_DEST_FIXED;
dmacfg.Priority = LL_DMA_HIGH_PRIORITY;
dmacfg.SrcAllocatedPort = LL_DMA_SRC_ALLOCATED_PORT0;
dmacfg.DestAllocatedPort = LL_DMA_DEST_ALLOCATED_PORT1;
I am using Channel 0 and 1 of GPDMA2. I did some test and I can get it working with Channel 0 and 7.
The linked list is made of only one item for updating the source address.
Have someone already experienced this kind of issue?
Thank you
2024-10-03 1:10 PM - edited 2024-10-03 1:38 PM
Hello @alessioschisano ,
Did you check the related DMA units/channels and trigger sources.
I advise you to refer to this STM32H5 MOOC: - GPDMA - Basic configuration. The purpose of this part is demonstration of GPDMA simple configuration on NUCLEO-H563ZI board.
You can also refer to this article on how to configure the GPDMA using STM32CubeIDE:
How to configure the GPDMA - STMicroelectronics Community and to this AN5593: How to use the GPDMA for STM32 MCUs application note.
Hope this helps you!