2022-06-05 11:37 AM
Hello Everyone
When I try to save data to external eeprom using stm32g030 with hal libraries, I can't save any data but I can do the same with other stm32l or stm32f0, stm32f1, stm32f2, stm32f4 series processors. What is the problem ?
Has anyone had this problem and found a solution?
Thank you.
2022-06-06 4:51 AM
What debugging have you done to find the problem?
Have you used an oscilloscope, logic analyser, or similar to see what's actually happening on the wires?
2022-06-06 5:10 AM
Hi Andrew,
ı tried everything but it didn't work with hal libraries.
I solved the problem using eeprom.c and eeprom.h
Thank you very much.
Have a nice day.
2022-06-06 6:23 AM
So what debugging have you done? What did you find?
Have you used an oscilloscope or analyser to see what's actually happening on the wires? What did you find?