2014-04-04 8:40 AM
After days spent in tries to connect adc via i2s - mcu stopped working. I can write and read flash via st-link, mcu is properly detected but it does nothing. Tried mass erase - did not helped.
It seems that works only bootloader.Is it definitely dead? )2014-04-04 8:46 AM
Is this a board of your own design or a Eval board? Are there any LEDs that can be flashed? Try a simple LED flasher program. If you are the same poster talking to fm - you do not have an ocilloscope - is that right? Are you using external crystal - is it still working (sorry you need a scope to check that).2014-04-04 8:56 AM
Is this a board of your own design or a Eval board?
STM32F4-Discovery2014-04-04 8:59 AM
This is a board http://www.st.com/web/catalog/tools/FM116/SC959/SS1532/PF252419, tried simple blink flash - not blinking, all voltages are ok
>If you are the same poster talking to fm - you do not have an ocilloscope - is that right? yep, i'm a poor autodidact developer )2014-04-04 9:11 AM
OK, that board does not have LED. Any chance of adding LED with resistor to one IO port and doing a simple LED flasher program? A quick way around toggling too fast, toggle on a key press (this board does have 1 user key) It is a simple way to get indication of life from the processor.2014-04-04 9:13 AM
this board HAVE 4 LEDS
as i said i alredy tried led blinking program2014-04-04 9:21 AM
Try this .HEX file with ST-LINK Utilities, make sure that BOOT0 is not pulled High, as this will only ever run the boot/system loader.
2014-04-04 9:39 AM
Sorry missed that. The only other thing I can think of requires a scope. Program the IO pin to output the clock. I am thinking maybe the oscillator has broken. So the board will program but without the oscillator working - no program will work. I just looked at the board here in the office. It has external Osc crystal. Does the device have built in RC oscillator ? - maybe you can program it to use that2014-04-04 9:42 AM
nothing, HEX has been successfully writed but no reaction
2014-04-04 9:58 AM
Not promising, sounds like you've nuked the thing.