2021-07-17 6:53 AM
I am beginner and I want to read/write data to SD card via SPI.
I do everything according to this instruction https://01001000.xyz/2020-08-09-Tutorial-STM32CubeIDE-SD-card/ and all time get f_getfree error (3)
And I also tried to repeat by this instruction https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spVIZO-jbxE And all time have problems with mounting or initialization SD card.
My card is 1Gbt working well and formatted in FAT32. Card reader on the board is also working well I know it is because I have a experience in which I was able to work with the SD card via SDIO.
I think I have a frequency problem or, perhaps, I need something to activate in a Cube IDE for example, to pull-up/ pull-down some pin.
Can someone help me, please!