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Availability of STM32 controller

Associate II

Hello Support Team,

I am looking for support regarding controller. I want to use STM32H745IIT6 in my design. I have completed my almost design and when I want to purchase this controller I found it non stock.

Can you please let me know the availability of this controller?

Actually I have requirement of dual core controller so I am not able to change the controller and I have also purchase the evaluation board of this controller.

please guide as soon as possible as I have done almost work regarding the project with this controller.


Uwe Bonnes
Principal III

STM32 controllers are in full production, but parts are altready allocated to customers no few if any parts appear in the free market. This happens for most manufactures.

>>I have also purchase the evaluation board of this controller.

Should be DISCO and NUCLEO boards

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Chief II

Nowadays software takes 90+ % of the development effort. Start developing software or parts of it on some development board. Most likely, while you will finish that, the chips will return to warehouses.