2024-04-20 6:15 AM
Hello, community! I'm a new here .
I am developing STM32F4 using STM32CubeIDE(1.14.1), and I want to use the FileX without ThreadX. However, it seems that this is not possible in CubeMX. The FileX for the F4 series requires ThreadX, and if ignored, the compiler will issue a large number of warnings and errors. However, the FileX for the H7 series can be used independently and build normally. I would like to know why?Where is the "FX_STANDALONE_ENABLE" ? Is there any hardware or software limitation with the F4 series?
Any solution to this problem?
Thank you !
2024-04-20 6:36 AM
This may be an useful feature, but to integrate it in CubeMX resources should be allocated to write it, then validate and test... Are you volunteering to help?
2024-04-20 6:54 AM
look here - maybe helping you :