2018-12-14 2:03 AM
I'm working over STM32f334, i config cubeMx to use TIM6 o TIM7 to generate interrupt every 20ms, but interrupt is not fired.
I'm finding a official examples to use HAL to config TIM as internal interupt.
Any idea? any ink?
2018-12-14 3:48 AM
> interrupt is not fired.
Read out and check the content of relevant TIM and NVIC registers. Check in disasm that the ISR's address is correctly in the vector table.
2018-12-14 6:08 AM
The TIM are all much the same, TIM1/TIM8 are typically more complex (advanced), but the others should be readily portable, basically cut-and-paste search-and-replace.
Be attentive to IRQ Handlers in the stm32f3xx_it.c file, the exact naming, callback, and NVIC, etc
2018-12-17 1:23 AM
Dear all,
thanks for you feedback.
But my problem is using HAL.
At end I got to work well, but not with all timers.
Do you know where I can found examples over HAL and CubeMX?