2023-09-26 1:06 PM
I'm trying to set TIM2 in PWM mode, but I'm getting weird results. CH1 to CH4 are enabled but CH3 on PA2 shows no output no matter I do. The weird thing happens when I try to remap TIM2. There are three remap options, Remap2 is the one I'm interested in:
No remap: CH1=PA0, CH2=PA1, CH3=PA2, CH4=PA3 => no output on CH3(PA2)
Remap1: CH1=PA2, CH2=PA3, CH3=PA15, CH4=PB3 => no output on CH1(PA2) and CH3(PA15)
Remap2: CH1=PA0, CH2=PA1, CH3=PB10, CH4=PB11 => no output on CH1(PA0), CH2(PA1) and CH3(PB10)
Remap3: CH1=PA15, CH2=PB3, CH3=PB10, CH4=PB11 => no output on CH2(PB3) and CH3(PB10)
All GPIO ports are configured correctly, CNF=AF and MODE=OUT. TIM2 clock = 36MHz. Tried lower clock but same result. Tried enabling both TIM2 and TIM3 four PWM channels, no remapping. Got no signal out on CH3 on both timers. Tried another Blue Pill, same result. Tested the GPIO ports PA2 and PB0 and they are both ok.
Here is the code I'm using:
ldr r0, = TIM2 @ APB1 Clock - 36MHz ldr r1, = 0 str r1, [r0, #TIMx_PSC] @ Clock/Prescaler ldr r1, = 256 str r1, [r0, #TIMx_ARR] @ Count-Down value for timer ldr r1, = 128 @ Output Compare preload value str r1, [r0, #TIMx_CCR1] @ CH1 str r1, [r0, #TIMx_CCR2] @ CH2 str r1, [r0, #TIMx_CCR3] @ CH3 str r1, [r0, #TIMx_CCR4] @ CH4 ldr r1, = 6<<OC2M | 1<<OC2PE | 6<<OC1M | 1<<OC1PE str r1, [r0, #TIMx_CCMR1] @ CH1 & CH2 PWM Mode1 ldr r1, = 6<<OC4M | 1<<OC4PE | 6<<OC3M | 1<<OC3PE str r1, [r0, #TIMx_CCMR2] @ CH3 & CH4 PWM Mode1 ldr r1, = 1<<CC4E | 1<<CC3E | 1<<CC2E | 1<<CC1E str r1, [r0, #TIMx_CCER] @ CH1 to CH4 Enable ldr r1, = 3<<CMS str r1, [r0, #TIMx_CR1] dsb ldr r1, [r0, #TIMx_CR1] orr r1, #1<<CEN @ Counter Enable str r1, [r0, #TIMx_CR1]
2023-09-26 10:19 PM
What other peripherals are enabled?
Note, that if you use blue pill, it is very unlikely that it's a genuine ST part.
2023-09-27 5:21 PM
No other peripheral enabled, just the timers.
I made another test enabling all four channels on TIM1, TIM2, TIM3 and TIM4 at the same time.
Only TIM1 outputs signal on all channels. TIM2, TIM3 and TIM4 don't have output on CH3.
I'm feeling this is a hardware issue. Probably not a genuine ST part.
2023-09-27 11:24 PM
Read out and check/post content of TIM and relevant GPIO/AFIO registers.
2023-09-27 11:53 PM
>not a genuine ST part
simple check: in cubeIDE , start debug...if you can debug, its STM part. if GD (GD32F103) , ide will not allow debug.
+ even if GD part, on PA2 is TIM1 ch3 output . but no remap !
(from gd32f103 ds )
so if nothing coming ever on pa2 - try toggle gpio ...maybe short ?