2014-09-27 9:16 AM
MCU (STM32F051C6) gets data from ADC via SPI and then sends it to the I2C master (with DMA help) (Raspberry PI). When i stop debugging and reset chip it starts working in a bad way. No data from ADC, only one 32 bytes package (.read_i2c_block_data python function) once after reset and no data anymore, nevertheless GPIOs work and external interrupts as well. MCU freq. 4Mhz (HSE) * 2 PLL but i tried several variants. It still doesn't work. Have anyone encountered the same problem?
#stm32f051 #problem2014-09-28 5:43 AM
Have anyone encountered the same problem?
No, but do I have too? Make sure you have all the peripheral and bus clocked enabled that you need, the debugger may enable things to do it's own work. If you have a serial output consider outputting diagnostic/telemetry data so you can better understand what's going on internally.